My Fit, Funky, and Fabulous Family Life

Ruined Plans are Awesome

Posted on: May 17, 2013

Why is it that whenever I plan something it never happens that way? Isn’t that the point of a plan so that you can organize in advance in order to fulfill the day appropriately? Well I have to plan or I go crazy but it seems thats the planning just doesn’t quite work out for me as it should. I had taken off to have two doctos appointments and the morning of they both had cancelled due to unknown reasons. We already were off work and it was an absolutely gorgeous day outside so we decided to take Funky to the ZOO. It was her first experience at the zoo and she cannot talk yet so she pointed and grunted at everything.


It was so cute and made my day. I felt guilty for even being at the zoo and not doing what I had taken off to do but hey I have no boss and I know people play hooky all of the time so why not enjoy it. I couldn’t believe that there was a waiting line and a million people it fet like there. Are there that many work at home families in the area or are that many people calling out? It is hard to tell but I was amazed at the amount of people there on a Tuesday, I totally could not handle a Saturday for sure! Mr.Fit has a hard eoungh time with crowds but it being 85 degrees on top of it and people letting their kids run ramped really had us getting annoyed. I thought it would be desolate and relaxing. It was very fun however we strolled through it pretty quick and let her out only a few times to walk since she was getting trampled on. Needless to say I would have those plans ruined anyday if it turned out to be a more fun time!

Of course I could do without Funky picking up all her favorite toys in the gift shop because us moms feel guilty and want to buy our children everything!!


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