My Fit, Funky, and Fabulous Family Life

Posts Tagged ‘kitchen

In order not to break the bank and feed Mr.Fit I have to find ways to make sure our meals have a lot of meat and I don’t mean a pound I mean six pounds. He is not big on carbs so bread and tortillas do not matter so this dish was perfect! I used about 5 boneless chicken breats and 2 steaks along with fresh peppers of all colors, mushrooms, onions, and a really yummy fajita saucer I found at Target on sale! I love a bargain. Viola.. a huge meaty meal that was very easy and fresh to make.
Now I like to add cheese and sour cream in a nice whole wheat tortilla but if you are the big guy type you can just throw a ton on a plate. It was so delicious and really satisfying! Funky even enjoyed it too! She likes to just pick out the veggies but every once in a while I can get her to eat meat. As long as she has something to dip it in she is a dipper!!

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I was very careful this time not to chop my finger half off for those of you that follow my blog know I have had a bad experience witg kitchen knifes. HAHA

Happy Cooking! Happy Friday!
What are you cooking this weekend??

Mr.Fit has always said that I am very clumsy but hey I’m a mom and we all do silly things sometimes. I think that goes along with mommy territory. I was coking our meals for the week because I’m an awesome planner like that and it makes it way easier during the week and I happen to be cutting up an onion for Mr.Fit and my new chicken salad I was trying when I sliced the tip of my finger off. Now I’m sure we all have done this at some point or another! I thought it was no big deal but then I couldn’t sleep through the night and I was in tears from it throbbing the whole next day so I took my stubborn butt to the Doctors. I left with five stitches, a tetanus shot, antibiotic, and pain meds. OMG are you serious?? This is ridiculous I had no idea it was that bad. I can totally say that it still hurts like crazy though and will NEVER chop an onion again. I will invest in a food chopper haha. I actually have a processor but last time I used it for an onion I hit the wrong button and it turned to onion soup LOL yes very clumbsy once again. I geuss I should be proud considering I have been cutting things for years and have yet to ever cut myself so my time was due!

So now I am super mom and doing everything one handed for the next seven days!!
Have you ever had a mishap in the kitchen? Did it end up with stitches haha?

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